VLF Radio Experiment

According to Renato Romero Homepage at http://www.vlf.it/ i starting to download Spectrum Lab Software in here from DL4yhf , and installed it to my notebook. I tested with my mic line input to make sure everything is allright that this software is function properly. Another software for this purpose is Grab and Spectran.
For the first time experienced with VLF spectrum , I connected a long wire of 24 AWG cable to my miccrophone input and have some of VLF phenomenon sound and image that I've been saved. These are couples of VLF image and sound.
These are interesting pictures.

VSWR Cable Measurement Tips

Voltage Standing Wave Ratio or VSWR is an efficiency value of cable transmission from Power Transmitted along the cable for example cable feeder,jumper,waveguide, or other transmited cable.

VSWR given by formula :

                  VSWR = Vmax/Vmin = (1+p)/(1-p)

VSWR will have 3 possible value :

1. VSWR : -1 if the cable is short circuit

2. VSWR :  0 or no reflection, or no Power Loss, or Power Transmitted from Transmitter 100% Transmitted without loss Power in cables, this is the ideal value but it is very difficult to find this value in the real life.

3. VSWR : +1 the ideal value also or more, this is the most value we are looking for +1,.., if we could find for example VSWR 1.1 in the cable so we could said that the cable is in good quality for Transmitted the Power with small losses Power. In this is the common value we are seen in real life.

Electromagnetic Spectrum

This table will give the overview of Electromagnetic Spectrum of propagation wave signal. This table will describe the wave length, Frequency of signal, Band Signal, Name or Terms Signal in Spectrum, Propagation Mechanism and Application of The Spectrum. Far Infra-red and Infra-red





Propagation Mechanism


100 Mm to 10 Mm
3 Hz to 30Hz 1 ELF Penetration below the surface of the earth Submarine Communications

10 Mm to 1 Mm
30Hz to 300Hz2ELFGuided wave between the ionosphere and the Earth's surfaceNavigation,communication,time signals, etc.

1 Mm to 100km
300Hz to 300khz3ULFGuided wave between the ionosphere and the Earth's surfaceNavigation,communication,time signals,etc

100 km to 10km
3kHz to 30khz4VLFGuided wave between the ionosphere and the Earth's surfaceNavigation,communication,time signals, etc

10km to 1km
30khz to 300khz5LFSky and surface wavesSound broadcast direction finding

1km to 100m
300khz to 3Mhz6MFIonospheric E and F Layer ReflectionSound Broadcast

100m to 10m
3Mhz to 30Mhz7HFIonospheric E and F layer ReflectionFixed and mobile services,sound broadcast

10m to 1m
30Mhz to 300MHz8VHFTerrain/building/tree difraction and reflection.Atmospheric seatter and refractionBD I TV/Mobile
BD II radio
BD III TV/mobile

1m to 100mm
300MHz to 3GHz9UHFTerrain/building/tree difraction and reflection. Atmospheric seatter and refractionBD IV TV
Mobile Phones

100mm to 10mm
3GHz to 30 GHz10SHFRain absorptionRadio navigation links Satellite TV

10mm to 1mm
30GHz to 300GHz11EHFAtmospheric gas and rain absorption

1mm to 100um
300GHz to 1THz12Far Infra-red

100um to 10um
3THz to 30THz13

10um to 1um
30THz to 300 THz14Infra-red

1um to 0.1um

Beverage Antenna

HDTV Antenna