Best One Transistor Radio


One Transistor Radio - Here is a simple circuit for a one transistor Audion type radio powered by a 1.5 V battery and Transistor BC548 It employs a set of standard low- impedance headphones with the headphone  socket wired so that the two sides are connected in series thus giving an impedance of 64 Q. The supply to the circuit also passes through the headphones so that  unplugging the headphones turns off the supply Using an Audion configuration means that the single transistor performs both demodulation and ampli- fication of the  signal. The sensitivity of this receiver is such that a 2 m length of wire is all that is needed as an antenna. The tap on the antenna coil is at l/5th of the total  winding on the ferrite rod.The antenna coil on the 10 mm diameter by 100 mm long ferrite rod is made up of 60 turns with a tap point at every 10 turns; this is suit- able for medium wave reception. If a long external aerial is used it should be connected to a lower tap point to reduce its damping effect on the circuit.  This circuit is suitable for reception of all  AM transmissions from longwave through to shortwave.

Parts List :

Transistor BC548
R1    100K
VC1     500pF
C2     10uF
C3     100nF

L1 10mm diameter Coil, 100 mm long Ferrite rod
60 turns with a tap point 10 turns

Headphone 2 X 32 Ohm
Battery 1.5 V

Mini Box
Antenna Telescopic

Reference : Elektor Electronics - B.Kainka

DIY miniature antenna booster

When using a good antenna amplifier for the UHF range, programs can be received from television stations which, without a preamplifier, only deliver a very noisy "snow field". The antenna amplifier described here is very simple. It can because of its small dimensions directly in the junction box of Antenna to be accommodated. The small coupling capacitance in the input protects the transistor from overvoltages that may occur during a thunderstorm. The built-in resonant circuit in the collector branch can be tuned to any frequency between 470 and 790 MHz.

Because of the extremely low retroactive effect  of this transistor is the amplifier stronger very stable, even with poor matching of the input and output. The bandwidth of the circuit is about 15 to 40 MHz.

reference : Elektor Electronics

How to create a simple circuit that makes an LED blinking continuously ?

How to create a simple circuit that makes an LED blinking continuously ?  - The special thing about this circuit is that both transistors are either conducting or both are blocking. As long as the lamps are not lit, only small currents flow, that benefits the battery. A further advantage of this circuit is that only a single capacitor determines the flashing frequency.the benefits of this circuit can be used for tower lights or tower antennas.

How do I make a mini walkie-talkie?

How do I make a mini walkie-talkie?The walkie-talkie, a portable two-way radio, consists of three blocks, namely receiver, transmitter and modulator (amplifier). The former is a super regenerative  receiver (Figure 1). Using this circuit, gains of more than 10000 times can be achieved. The output voltage is over 20 mV. In the receiving state, the signal from  the receiver is fed to the AF amplifier.
The DC-coupled amplifier (Figure 2) has an amplification factor of 500 . When using a 150 L> speaker in the final stage, you get about 70 mW output power, which is also suitable for playing a walkie-talkie enough. During transmission, the loudspeaker is at the input of the amplifier, so it works as a microphone. Because of the high amplification of the circuit, which 
now works as a modulator, a sufficient degree of modulation is obtained when speaking from a normal distance to the microphone (loudspeaker). The output signal is  now sent to the transmitter.
The transmitter (Figure 3) is a quartz-controlled oscillator with an oscillating frequency of 27.125 MHz. The quartz ensures an extremely constant frequency. 
The LF signal is superimposed on the HF carrier frequency via the collector.
If there are no obstacles to the If the carrier frequency is between the interlocutors, you get a range of about 1 kilometre. In residential areas, this is a few hundred meters.
During assembly, the receiver and amplifier can be placed in one housing. It is important to ensure that there is a short distance between the two; shielding 
by means of a copper plate is to be provided.
An antenna with a length of 70 cm should be used for a compact design and good matching. We expressly point out that for the operation of the transmitter, 
no matter how small, a permit must be obtained from the Federal Post Office.

Reference :

Best Design of an adaptive Electronic starter for fluorescent lamps

Design of an adaptive electronic starter for fluorescent lamps - A cost competitive circuit of a fluorescent lamp electronic starter that can provide a single-pulse ignition, adaptive preheating time, fast reset and lower 
voltage working ability is proposed in this paper. In order to analyze the proposed electronic starter, circuit topologies in each working state are derived. 
A prototype for 20 W fluorescent lamps is also designed and implemented to access the performance. Experimental results show that features of a single-pulse 
ignition, adaptive preheating time, fast reset and lower voltage working ability can be achieved what we have predicted.

Fluorescent lights flicker during the ignition phase. The manufacturers are also aware of this problem, which is why they looked for alternatives and found one. Special fast-starting fluorescent lamps. 
However, the relatively high acquisition costs prevent them from catching on everywhere. But it is also possible without new lamps: the electronic starter ensures  that the fluorescent lamp without to torches ignites. A welcome side effect of the new starting system is the longer lamp life.

Figure 1. In addition to the glass tube, the operating circuit of a fluorescent lamp also includes a choke (inductive ballast) and the mechanical starter.

Fluorescent lights flicker during the ignition phase. The manufacturers are also aware of this problem, which is why they looked for alternatives and found one. Special fast-starting fluorescent lamps. 
However, the relatively high acquisition costs prevent them from catching on everywhere. But it is also possible without new lamps: the electronic starter ensures  that the fluorescent lamp without to torches ignites. A welcome side effect of the new starting system is the longer lamp life.
Small but nice! This rightly applies to the circuit presented here for the flicker-free ignition of fluorescent lamps. This only requires a total of 8 components, 
all of which can be accommodated in the plastic housing (!) of a conventional starter. No changes are therefore necessary to the fluorescent lamp itself or to the 
operating circuit for it.  Zero from, so that the magnetic field of the coil is reduced. Now the thyristor blocks. As a result, the negative mains voltage is suddenly across the tube, because  the capacitor C2 has charged up quickly. This capacitor forms an oscillating circuit with L1, which "rocks up" the voltage at the tube far above the mains voltage. 

Figure 2. The conventional starter usually consists of a glow igniter (glow lamp) with a bimetallic contact. A capacitor is also connected in parallel with the starter, which suppresses radio interference caused by the gas discharge in the glass tube

The tube "ignites". With the next positive half-wave of the mains voltage, the thyristor becomes conductive again. This process is repeated 50 times in the second 
After a few periods the tube will be sufficiently warm and will remain burning". This causes the voltage across the starter to drop to the burning voltage of the 
Figure 3. The electronic starter consists of only 8 components. The circuit ensures that the gas filling is heated and the ignitions take place very quickly one after the other. This eliminates the unpleasant flickering when switched on.

parts list
R1=470k R2=100kaw R3=1k
R4 = 56N/%W
C1 = 15n (see text) C2 = 100n/630V
D1 = Diac ER 900 Th1 = Thyristor TIC 106D

Before the electronic starter takes over its task, it is interesting to know how the fluorescent lamp is constructed and works with the conventional starting device. 
Figure 1 shows the basic circuit diagram for this. The fluorescent lamp consists of an elongated glass tube containing a gas mixture of mercury vapor and argon. 
The pressure inside the tube is very low. If now due to an electric field the
When the gas filling is ignited, a discharge takes place. The discharge mainly produces ultraviolet Light. The inner wall of the glass tube is covered with a layer 
of phosphor, a fluorescent powder. the Fluorescent lights flicker during the ignition phase. The manufacturers are also aware of this problem, which is why they 
looked for alternatives and found one. Special fast-starting fluorescent lamps. However, the relatively high acquisition costs prevent them from catching on everywhere. 
But it is also possible without new lamps: The electronic starter ensures that the fluorescent lamp without to torches ignites. A welcome side effect of the new 
starting system is the longer lamp life. is the ultraviolet radiation now stimulates this layer to glow, visible light is produced. The applied phosphor layer thus 
works as a kind of light transformer that converts short-wave UV light into long-wave visible light. The light properties of the fluorescent lamps depend very much 
on the phosphor layer. They are then also commercially available in different colors and with different light intensities (see also ”’Dimmers for fluorescent lamps’’ 
elsewhere in this issue). The noble gas argon is at the light generator. not directly involved; it just makes ignition easier. The ignition voltage required for gas 
discharge depends very much on the temperature of the gas mixture: at a higher temperature, a lower ignition voltage is sufficient. For this reason, electrodes are 
fitted inside the tube, which heat the gas during the ignition process and thus facilitate the escape of electrons during the gas discharge. If the first ignition 
has taken place, a much lower one is sufficient Voltage to keep the lamp on continuously. The voltage required for this is the so-called "burning voltage". Above the burning voltage, the fluorescent tube behaves like a negative resistance; the resistance decreases, causing the current to increase prevent this, a choke is necessary (it is also known under the term "inductive ballast"). The choke is an inductive resistance; in contrast to the ohmic resistance, only very little electrical power is lost as heat,
The choke is used as an ignition coil and, together with the starter, generates such a high ignition voltage that the fluorescent lamp always ignites. The choke 
takes on another task. It keeps the high-frequency interference caused by the gas discharge away from the mains.
The term "starter" has been used several times. However, not all of its tasks have been discussed. It is not only responsible for a sufficiently high ignition 
voltage together with the choke, but also switches the current through the glow electrodes The starter usually consists of a glow igniter (glow lamp), a bimetal 
contact (thermal switch), an interference suppression capacitor, two connection contacts and a housing (Figure 2). Before the fluorescent lamp is switched on, 
the bimetal contact is open. If you now close the mains switch, the mains voltage via the choke and the glow electrodes also to the starter connections. 
This voltage is sufficient to ignite the gas charge of the glow igniter (usually helium). A relatively low current of about 0.1 A now flows to the glow electrodes. 
Through the gas discharge creates a certain amount of heat in the starter, which after a while causes the bimetallic contacts to close This results in a high 
short-circuit current through the glow electrodes, causing the gas charge in the fluorescent tube to heat up considerably. The short circuit also ends the gas 
discharge in the starter. The bimetallic electrodes now cool down and the contact opens again. The flow of current ends abruptly, so that the magnetic field in 
the choke suddenly collapses. A voltage of several hundred volts is generated, which is sufficient to ignite the fluorescent lamp.
Once ignition has taken place, the lamp voltage drops to around half of the original value; one then speaks of the burning voltage. This voltage is too low to 
close the starter glow igniter again activate. There is therefore no further gas discharge in the starter and the bimetallic contact remains open. An interference suppression capacitor is connected in 
parallel with the starter, which is intended to suppress any interference with radio reception.
That's the theory. In practice, the ignition process looks a little different. Several attempts are always required to ignite a fluorescent lamp. There are two 
reasons for this: 1. The temperature of the gas mixture in the glass tube is still too low at the first ignition attempt; 2. The instantaneous value of the current 
can be zero when the bimetallic switch opens, so that no ignition voltage builds up. Several ignition attempts are therefore always necessary before the fluorescent 
lamp is activated. Due to the mechanical inertia of the starter, the individual ignition processes are separated from one another by short pauses. And that is exactly 
what causes annoying flickering.
In order to suppress the flickering during the starting process, you have to ensure that the gas charge in the glass tube is sufficiently preheated and that the 
individual ignition processes follow each other quickly. The electronic starter takes over this task.
The circuit of the electronic starter is shown in Figure 3. The following initial situations apply to the functional description of the starter: Switch SI closed, 
the anode of the thyristor is positive compared to the cathode. As long as the fluorescent lamp is not ignited, the instantaneous mains voltage is present at the 
starter. The capacitor C1 charges up via the voltage divider R1/R2 until the breakdown voltage of the diac (approx. 30 V) is reached. Now the capacitor can discharge 
and fires the thyristor. A powerful current flows through the choke and the glow electrodes. This current creates a magnetic field. If the mains voltage becomes 
negative (the polarity reverses), then the positive current is initially maintained through the choke. The current picks up

The voltage is then no longer sufficient to fire the diac and thus also the thyristor; the electronic starter is out of order.
The practice
There is not much to write about the assembly of the starter. The circuit board shown in Figure 4 accommodates all components. It is important that there is no 
conductive connection between the connections and the metal cooling surface of the thyristor. If necessary, the thyristor can be glued to the circuit board with 
two-component adhesive. Resistor R4 and capacitor C2 are mounted on the solder side of the circuit board. The photo shows the assembled starter in two different views.
 The circuit board fits exactly into a plastic housing of a conventional starter. For reasons of safety, metal housing must not be used.
Installation in the starter housing is not particularly difficult. After the plastic cap has been removed, the glow starter is detached from the connection contacts. 
The connection wires of the interference suppression capacitor should not be cut too short, as they create the connection between the circuit board and the connection contacts. Once this connection has been established, the electronic starter is fitted with the plastic cap and placed in its place in the fluorescent lamp housing. 

Figure 4. Electronic starter circuit board and assembly diagram. The board dimensions are kept in such a way that the completely assembled board fits into the housing of a mechanical starter. For safety reasons, a metal starter housing must not be used.

The circuit is suitable for fluorescent lamps from 20W to 65W. If a 20 W fluorescent tube does not ignite directly, the value of the capacitor C1 can be reduced down 
to 10 nF. The optimal value of the capacitor depends on the fluorescent tube used; this also applies to the capacitor C2. In the case of fluorescent tubes under 20 W,
 the optimal values ​​for the capacitors must be determined experimentally.
The patent for this circuit is held by the company N.V. Phillips
(NL: Pat. 155707, 30.9.1967;
GB: Pat. 1223733, 12/27/1968).

reference :