The KV delta antenna at 27 MHz


The KV delta antenna at 27 MHz is a type of antenna that consists of three elements, namely two vertical elements and one horizontal element. Vertical elements are usually made from metal pipes or aluminum rods, while horizontal elements are made from coaxial cables. The KV delta antenna at 27 MHz has the main advantages of high transmit power and long range.
Here is how to make a KV delta antenna at 27 MHz:

The calculation design of a KV delta antenna at 27 MHz depends on the desired length of the antenna. The formula for calculating the length of the vertical elements is:

length = wavelength / 2

where wavelength is the wavelength of the radio waves at 27 MHz. The wavelength of radio waves at 27 MHz is 11.1 meters.

So, the length of the vertical elements of a KV delta antenna at 27 MHz would be:

length = 11.1 meters / 2 = 5.55 meters

The length of the horizontal element is not as critical, but it should be at least half the length of the vertical elements.

The following table shows the calculated length of the vertical elements for different frequencies:

Frequency (MHz)Length of Vertical Elements (meters)

The KV delta antenna can be mounted in a variety of ways, but the most common way is to suspend it between two supports. The supports should be at least as high as the length of the vertical elements.

The KV delta antenna is a directional antenna, meaning it is more effective at transmitting and receiving radio waves in a specific direction. The direction of maximum radiation is perpendicular to the plane of the antenna.

The KV delta antenna is a good choice for amateur radio operators who want to transmit and receive radio waves on the 27 MHz band. It is also a good choice for long-range communication.

Here are some additional considerations for the design of a KV delta antenna at 27 MHz:

  • The antenna should be located away from any metal objects, as these can interfere with the radiation pattern.
  • The antenna should be mounted as high as possible, as this will improve the range of the antenna.
  • The antenna should be oriented in the direction of the desired signal.
Two vertical elements, each 1.2 meters long
One horizontal element, 1.5 meters long
RG-58 coaxial cable
BNC connector
Tools and materials for cable splicing
Cut two vertical elements 1.2 meters long.
Cut one horizontal element 1.5 meters long.
Connect vertical and horizontal elements using RG-58 coaxial cable.
Connect the coaxial cable to the BNC connector.


Vertical elements function to transmit radio waves up and down.
Horizontal elements function to emit radio waves to the sides.
Coaxial cables function to connect vertical and horizontal elements.
The BNC connector functions to connect the antenna to the radio.

Key points:
Position vertical and horizontal elements at the same height.
Make sure the coaxial cable is securely attached to the vertical and horizontal elements.
Use a quality BNC connector to avoid signal leakage.

Antenna test:
Once the antenna is complete, you can perform a test to check whether the antenna is working properly. To carry out the test, you can use a radio with a frequency of 27 MHz.
Following are the steps to perform a KV delta antenna test at 27 MHz:
Turn on the radio and set the frequency to 27 MHz.
Connect the antenna to the radio.
Look for radio stations that have a strong signal.
If you can hear the radio station clearly, then the antenna is working properly.

To increase the antenna range, you can use longer vertical elements.
To increase the antenna gain, you can use a reflector.
That's how to make a KV delta antenna at 27 MHz. Hope it is useful!

Sloper K1WA


The K1WA sloper antenna is a type of sloper antenna, but it is specifically designed for the 80-meter band. The antenna in the image is a general-purpose sloper antenna that can be used for a variety of bands.

The K1WA sloper antenna is a type of sloper antenna that was designed by David, K1WA, in the early 1980s. It is a half-wave dipole antenna that is mounted at an angle of 45 degrees. This design gives the antenna a gain in the direction of the lower end, and a null in the direction of the upper end.

The K1WA sloper antenna is a good choice for DXing, as it can provide good gain for long-distance reception. It is also a good choice for amateur radio contesting, as it can help to improve signal-to-noise ratio.

The K1WA sloper antenna is a relatively simple antenna to build. It can be made from a piece of wire, a mast, and a feedline. The wire should be cut to the desired length, and the mast should be tall enough to support the antenna. The feedline should be connected to the antenna at the center.

Here are the steps to build a K1WA sloper antenna:

  1. Choose the desired length of the antenna. The length of the antenna will depend on the frequency band that you want to use. For example, an antenna for the 80-meter band should be 40 meters long.
  2. Cut the wire to the desired length.
  3. Attach the wire to the mast. The wire should be attached at the center of the mast.
  4. Connect the feedline to the antenna. The feedline should be connected to the antenna at the center.

Here are some additional tips for building a K1WA sloper antenna:

  • Use a high-quality wire. A good quality wire will help to ensure that the antenna performs well.
  • Use a mast that is tall enough to support the antenna. The antenna should be at least 10 feet above any obstructions.
  • Use a feedline that is matched to the impedance of the antenna. A mismatched feedline can cause signal loss.

Once the antenna is built, you will need to tune it. You can do this using an antenna tuner. The goal is to get the antenna to resonate at the desired frequency.

Here are some of the advantages of K1WA sloper antennas:

  • They provide good gain for long-distance reception.
  • They are relatively easy to build.
  • They are relatively inexpensive.

Here are some of the disadvantages of K1WA sloper antennas:

  • They can be directional, which can be a disadvantage for some applications.
  • They can be affected by wind and weather.

Overall, the K1WA sloper antenna is a versatile and effective antenna that is well-suited for a variety of applications.

Dual Band J Pole Antenna

  Dual band J-pole antenna:

A dual band J-pole antenna is a type of antenna that can be used to transmit and receive radio waves on two different frequencies. It is made up of two parallel wires that are fed at a point that is one-quarter wavelength from each end. The length of the wires is determined by the frequencies that the antenna is designed to operate in.

The two wires in a dual band J-pole antenna are typically spaced apart by a quarter wavelength. This helps to ensure that the antenna is resonant and that it radiates efficiently on both frequencies.

Dual band J-pole antennas are typically used for amateur radio applications, but they can also be used for other applications, such as public safety communications and wireless networking. They are a good choice for these applications because they are relatively easy to build and install, and they offer good performance.

Here are some of the key features of a dual band J-pole antenna:

  • It can be used to transmit and receive radio waves on two different frequencies.
  • It is relatively easy to build and install.
  • It offers good performance on both frequencies.
  • It is a versatile antenna that can be used for a variety of applications.

Here are some of the applications of a dual band J-pole antenna:

  • Amateur radio
  • Public safety communications
  • Wireless networking
  • CB radio
  • Ham radio
  • Two-way radio

To design a dual band J-pole antenna, you will need to know the frequencies that you want the antenna to operate in. The formula for calculating the length of the wires is:

length = wavelength / 2


  • length is the length of the wire in meters
  • wavelength is the wavelength of the radio waves in meters

For example, the wavelength of radio waves at 145 MHz is 1.995 meters. So, for a dual band J-pole antenna that is designed to operate on 145 MHz and 440 MHz, the length of the wires would be 0.9975 meters and 0.49875 meters, respectively.

Once you know the length of the wires, you can start designing the antenna. The two wires can be made of any type of metal, but copper is a good choice. The wires should be mounted on a mast or tower that is at least as tall as the length of the wires.

The two wires should be spaced apart by a quarter wavelength. This helps to ensure that the antenna is resonant and that it radiates efficiently on both frequencies.

The dual band J-pole antenna can be fed with either a balanced or unbalanced signal. A balanced signal is required for the best performance, but an unbalanced signal can also be used.

If you are considering designing a dual band J-pole antenna, I recommend that you consult with an antenna engineer to ensure that you choose the right antenna for your needs.

Here are some additional details about the design of dual band J-pole antennas:

  • The length of the wires can be adjusted to tune the antenna to the desired frequencies.
  • The two wires can be made of different materials to improve the performance of the antenna.
  • The two wires can be bent or folded to improve the radiation pattern of the antenna.

The design of a dual band J-pole antenna can be complex, and there are many factors to consider. If you are not familiar with antenna design, I recommend that you consult with an antenna engineer.

V Antenna

 Here is an image of a V antenna:

A V antenna is a type of dipole antenna that is made up of two long wires that are arranged in a V-shape. The two wires are fed with a balun, which is a device that converts between a balanced and unbalanced signal.

V antennas are typically used for medium to high frequency applications, such as amateur radio, FM broadcasting, and public safety communications. They are a good choice for these applications because they are relatively easy to build and install, and they offer good performance.

The length of the wires in a V antenna is determined by the frequency it is designed to operate in. The formula for calculating the length of the wires is:

length = wavelength / 2


  • length is the length of the wire in meters
  • wavelength is the wavelength of the radio waves in meters

For example, the wavelength of radio waves at 145 MHz is 1.995 meters. So, for a V antenna with a frequency of 145 MHz, the length of the wires would be 0.9975 meters.

The height of the V antenna can also affect its performance. A higher antenna will have a better radiation pattern, but it will also be more susceptible to interference from objects on the ground.

V antennas are a versatile and effective type of antenna that can be used for a variety of applications. They are relatively easy to build and install, and they offer good performance.

V Antenna Design Calculator

V antenna design calculator:

Frequency (MHz): 145
Height (m): 10

Element length (m): 5.263157894736842

This calculator calculates the length of the elements of a V antenna for a given frequency and height. The formula used is:

length = wavelength / 2


  • length is the length of the element in meters
  • wavelength is the wavelength of the radio waves in meters

The wavelength of the radio waves can be calculated using the formula:

wavelength = c / frequency


  • c is the speed of light in meters per second
  • frequency is the frequency of the radio waves in hertz

For example, the wavelength of radio waves at 145 MHz is:

wavelength = c / frequency = 299,792,458 m/s / 145 MHz = 1.995 m

So, for a V antenna with a frequency of 145 MHz and a height of 10 meters, the length of the elements would be:

  • Element length = 0.9975 m

This calculator is just a simple example, and there are many other factors that can affect the length of the elements of a V antenna. For more accurate results, you should consult a qualified antenna engineer.

Here are some of the factors that can affect the length of the elements of a V antenna:

  • The dielectric constant of the material the antenna is made of
  • The thickness of the antenna
  • The conductivity of the material the antenna is made of
  • The ground conductivity

If you are designing a V antenna for a specific application, it is important to consider all of these factors to ensure that the antenna will perform as expected.