Radiation pattern with matlab


Plot radiation pattern using spherical coordinate system (phi and theta angles)

hplot = patternCustom(___)

patternCustom(magE,theta,phi) plots the 3-D radiation pattern of an antenna magnitude, magE over the specified phi and theta angle vectors.

hplot = patternCustom(___) returns handles of the lines or surface in the figure window. This syntax accepts any combination of arguments from the previous syntaxes


Visualize Radiation Pattern From Antenna Data File
Consider a helix antenna data file in .csv format. This file contains the magnitude of the antenna directivity in phi and theta angles. Read The File 
Command : openExample('antenna/VisualizeRadiationPatternFromAntennaDataFileExample')

helixdata = csvread('antennadata_test.csv',1,0);

Use patternCustom to extract the magnitude of directivity, and the phi, and theta angle values. Plot the 3-D polar radiation pattern.


Visualize Radiation Pattern From Antenna Data File

Visualize Radiation Pattern From Antenna Data File

Use the same data to plot the 3-D rectangular radiation pattern.


3D Rectangular radiation Pattern
3D Rectangular radiation Pattern

Visualize 2-D Radiation Patterns of Helix Directivity

Calculate the magnitude, azimuth, and elevation angles of a helix's directivity at 2 GHz.

Command :


h = helix;
[D,az,el] = pattern(h,2e9);

Here, az = the angle from the positive x-axis to the directivity vector's orthogonal projection onto the xy plane, moving in the direction towards the y-axis.

el = the angle from the directivity vector's orthogonal projection onto the xy plane to the vector, moving in the direction towards the z-axis.

Extract theta and phi angles of the directivity magnitude.

phi = az';
theta = (90-el);
MagE = D';

Plot 2-D phi slice of the antenna in rectangular coordinates.


Plot 2-D phi slice of the antenna in rectangular coordinates.

Plot 2-D phi slice of the antenna in polar coordinates.

patternCustom(MagE, theta, phi,'CoordinateSystem','polar',...

Plot 2-D phi slice of the antenna in polar coordinates
Plot 2-D phi slice of the antenna in polar coordinates.

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