Your's Antenna Personality

Some newcomers are confused about the proper type of conductors to use for antennas. I have been asked, for example, "Can I use wire that has plastic insulation?" Another common inquiry is, "What is the best wire gauge or diameter for my dipole?"
Still another question is, "Which is best? Stranded or solid wire?"

These are good questions, and I fault no one for asking them. Consider the first question. After all, insulation is used to confine ac and dc voltage in circuit wiring. This prevents unwanted short circuits, and the insulation protects us from electrical shock. Therefore, it is reasonable for a beginner to assume that RF (radio-frequency) energy cannot be radiated through the insulation. 

Actually, this insulating layer has little effect on the radiation of an antenna. It will, however, slow down the passage of RF energy at the higher frequencies, such as VHF and UHF signals. It introduces what is known as a propagation or velocity factor. When this happens we must shorten the wire slightly to compensate for the velocity factor. At HF (high frequency), the effects of insulation are so minor that we can ignore them.

The thinner the insulating material on wire, the better. This is because insulation adds to the weight of the wire, and we may have a problem supporting an insulated-wire antenna because of its weight. It may sag or cause the support masts to bow or break. It is for this reason that most amateurs use bare stranded no. 14 copper wire for antennas. Others prefer enameled single-conductor wire. The insulation is beneficial because it prevents the copper conductor from becom- ing corroded in the presence of contaminants in the air. This enameled wire will, however, break more readily from flexing in the wind than will stranded copper wire of the same gauge.

Furthermore, soft-drawn single-conductor copper wire will stretch with time, and this will change the resonant frequency of the antenna (move it lower in frequency). For this reason you should make certain that you purchase hard-drawn copper wire.

A stronger type of wire is available. It is known as Copper- weld (TM), to signify that it has a steel core with a copper coating. It is difficult to work with because it is quite springy and hard to manage. It is very rugged wire, and it should stay aloft for years. You should avoid kinking it during handling. Avoid sharp bends in the wire also. Kinking and radical bending ruptures the copper covering, and this allows moisture and pollutants to reach the steel core. 

This will, in time, cause the wire to break.
Wire gauges 12 and 14 are the most popular among amateurs. These sizes offer good strength, cross-sectional area and acceptable weight. This does not mean that you can't use other gauges of wire. I have used 130-foot spans of no. 26 enameled wire for "invisible" end-fed antennas. 

The systems worked fine, but needed to be replaced frequently from breakage. I have also used no. 8 solid copper wire (heavy!) for dipoles and end-fed antennas. The larger the wire diameter the lower the antenna Q (quality factor). 

This won't degrade the antenna performance. Rather, the lower the Q the greater the antenna bandwidth. For example, an 80-meter dipole made from no. 18 wire might have an SWR bandwidth (frequency between the 2:1 SWR points) of, say, 50 kHz. The same antenna, if made from no. 10 copper wire, might have a 75-kHz SWR bandwidth.

Vinyl-covered electrical house wiring is entirely suitable for building antennas, but it is quite heavy. I do not use it for long horizontal spans. I find that it is OK for use in inverted-V and similar antennas that have drooping elements. The vinyl covering adds strength, and this can be helpful if you live in an area where high wind and ice storms are frequent.

Many types of commonly available wire may be used for building antennas. For example, I have made a variety of antennas from no. 18 insulated speaker wire. I split the two conductors, which can be pulled apart easily.

This gives me twice as many feet of wire per roll than before the separation is done. Electric fence wire is used by a number of amateurs. It is very inexpensive, and comes in no. 18 Copperweld or aluminum materials, Checkwith your area farm-supply store, or Sears, for this and other suitable wire.

Some beam antennas and verticals can be made from common items that may be found locally. Commercial antennas of this kind are fashioned from aluminum tubing of a specified tensile strength and hardness. This material is not only hard to find, but it is expensive. You may prefer to make your small beam antenna or vertical from thin-wall electrical conduit. The antenna will be heavier than if aluminum were used, and it will eventually become rusty unless you paint the metal.

I have made a number of vertical antennas from copper tubins that I purchased at a plumbing-supply store. The 1/2- or 3/4 inch copper tubing may be supported on standoff insulatore that are attached to a wooden mast. I have also employed thin wall electrical conduit for the conductor of a vertical antenne Aluminum downspout (gutter) sections may be joined to form a guyed vertical antenna for 40 meters and higher. I know a ham operator who has access to used irrigation pipe. 

He made a lovely guyed, 80-meter vertical from this stock.
It is important that you be innovative when selecting material for your homemade antennas. Not only will you save money, you will be able to acquire the components quickly. Although iron is not as ideal a conductor as aluminum or copper, it will perform well for medium- and high-frequency operation.

source : Novis Antenna Notebook by Doug DeMaw, W1FB

DIY Groundplane Antenna

Reliable communications in radio systems depends upon the over-all effectiveness of both the base station and mobile unit antennas. The radiation pattern of the transmitted signal is extremely important since it must be transmitted and received in densely populated areas as well as over long distances. If you are situated in the center of a town or a city, omnidirectional pattern is best suited for you. Omni- pattern is also the best choice when you do not know the exact direction or location of the station you are communicating with. Directive pattern is practical only if you know exactly which direction must the signal be beamed to, in order to maximize the transfer of RF energy. However, antennas with directive patterns are more complex in design and will be discussed later.
Generally, antennas for VHF bands are mounted as high off the ground as practical to overcome the limitations of the so called line-of-sight transmission and reception. An artificial ground must then be used since the antenna is well above the ground in this case. This is not a problem in automobiles since this artificial ground is provided by either the metal roof or body of the car. For tower installations however, some means must be provided to simulate this artificial ground. This is accomplished by the groundplane radials which are usually made of thin metal rods or tubes each cut to quarterwavelength long and mounted at the base of the antenna. The rods sometimes bend downward at an angle of about 45 degrees below the horizontal. This angle is important to maintain the correct impedance match of the system.


First of all construct the antenna mount. It is made from a 1/8'' thick aluminum plate cut to 2'' x 6''. Drill a hole in the plate big enough for the SO-239 VHF connector to insert into (about 5/8'' or 15.8 mm). Drill the hole at the point about 1" away from one end (see Figure below).

Next drill four holes at the other end of the plate following Figure below for the proper dimensions. Make sure that the distance between one pair of holes perpendicular to the length of the metal sheet must be the same with the distance of both ends of the U-bolt that will be inserted into it.
Hole dimensions for the U-bolts

Next, drill eight holes (1/8" diameter) around the large hole following Figure below for the proper dimensions.
Hole dimensions for the radial elements around large hole.

Bend the aluminum plate down to a 90° angle (see Figure below). Follow the illustration for the exact point to bend. 

Bending The Aluminum mounting Plate

Insert the SO-239 VHF connector facing downwards into the mounting plate and fix it permanently with its nut (see Figure below). Discard the grounding ring/lug.

Mounting the SO-239 into the plate.

Cut the brass rod to a length of 19" (48.26 cm) and insert one of its end into the center pin of the SO-239 connector (see Figure below). The brass rod may or may not fit into the center pin immediately, so you may need to file away a small portion at the end of the rod to reduce it to a smaller diameter.

Preparing one end of the brass rod to fit inside the SO-239

Cut four aluminum tubes to a length of 20" each and drill two holes (1/8 " diameter) at one end (see Figure below). 

Bend the aluminum tubes to a 45 degree angle at the point 1 inch away for the end with two holes. The direction of the bend must be parallel with the axis of the drilled hole (see Figure below). 

Bending The Tubes

Mount the four aluminum tubes into the angled plate by bolting each element with 1/8" x 3/4" stove bolts (see Figure below). The stove bolts must be made of rust resistant material such as stainless steel, brass or GI. 

Mounting the tubes on the metal plate.

Finally , you can mount the antenna to the mast using the two U-bolts .

Mounting the antenna to the mast


An antenna simply hanging up in free space isn’t worth much; we need to get our energy from the transmitter up to the antenna. Of course, we can bend down one end of the an- tenna and bring it into the house—but, except for certain special types, this is not the best idea for several reasons. Some

energy may be wasted because of absorption by nearby objects. Also, the normal radiation pattern of the antenna may be some- what upset.
For these reasons, in most cases, some type of feeder line is used to get the energy from the transmitter to the antenna as Figure. At this point we need to consider another matter: the impedance of the antenna at the point where the feeder must connect. Fortunately, the theoretical input impedance of a half-wave antenna fed in the center is a value which can be matched by a feedline which, in turn, is of a handy impedance value for powering from the common ham transmitter. Such an arrangement is the basis of the first antenna we will consider.

DIY SWR Bridge , measure antenna SWR from 7 to 435 MHz with this cheap project

For over fifty years I have been matching my home-brew antennas to my radio, using makeshift field-strength-meters, lamps, pencils (arc), or finger (ouch). My solid-state amplifiers have complained about this treatment, however, forcing me to consider methods that really define the matching in terms of standing- wave ratio (swr). The effort resulted in a very simple device that measures swr to better than  1 : 1 in all the bands I am interested in, 7 to 435 MHz, it can be built in a few hours for less than few dollars. The basic method is a stripline-type directional coupler. The operating principle is that a properly terminated line parallel to, and coupled to, the transmission line will pick up energy traveling in one direction. The detected signal from this coupled line will represent either the forward or rcflected energy depending upon which end is terminated  Fig, 1 gives the schematic.

The Circuit

Swr values are determined from the forward and reflected peak- voltage outputs:


The outputs can also be calibrated in terms of power. However* the output-voltage sensitivit>' of this type of directional coupler is directly proportional to frequency. As an example, using this particuhir device at 7 MHz, 100 Watts is required to detect an swr of hi, while at 146 MHz, less than 250 mW will make an equivalent measure- ment. This power/frequency relationship is a limitation.
The effect is in the right direction, how- ever. HF higher power is more likely available than at the VHF/UHF frequen- cies. Power-handling ability is also fre- quency related, and it is limited by the cou- pling -striptine terminalion resistors. Exam- ples arc about 4 W at 435 MH/, 35 W at 146 MHz, and 1 kW at 28 MHz, Total power dissipated at maximum power input is les3 than one Watt.
This project has been simplified by using a glue-down stripline technique that I have employed successfully in a number of previous projects. Striplines are cut from double-sided glass-epoxy PC board having the same dimensions that you would choose using the etched-PC board method. One side of the stripline is smeared with glue and pressed firmly against the common-base PC hoard. Changes can be made within minutes by lift- ing the glue-down stripline with a knife and replacing it with one having the altered dimensions. No dc connection is required between the glueline foils.
In this project, two striplines are glued together to effectively double the dielectric thickness. This results in a wider stripline for a given impedance, making fabrication and handling easier.
Matching the directional coupler-line impedance with that of the transmission line is a critical parameter, significant differences resulting in a self-generated swr error. Optimum strip! inc width was calculated using conventional stripline theory. Assuming a 50-Ohm Zo (line impedance), the calculations resulted in a 0.219-inch width when using two sandwiched 0.062-inch thick glass- epoxy PC strips having 1.5-ml foils (net J 18-inch dielectric). A dielectric constant of 4.5 was assumed for the glass-epoxy material. Tests indicate that the lloating center foils have no effect.
The pickup lines, glued to the top of the 50-Ohm conducting stripline, are 0. 125-inch wide, Although their calculated impedance is 69 Ohms, the termination resistance in this special configuration is about 60 Ohms. This resistance is experimentally pruned to null for zero output when the pickup is in a position to detect reflected energy and when the transmission line is terminated with a non-reflective load (50 Ohms). Pruning is accomplished easily using parallel 4-W resistors.
My assembly required four: two 150s, a 330, and a 2.2k-Ohm resistor. The resistor connections are with minimum lead lengths (approximately l/32nd inch). The assembly is reverse-connected in the transmission line to enable the pruning procedure for both pickup lines in an identical manner. Lack of fabricating symmetry will result in slightly different resistor values for the two pickup lines. A large output-readout dynamic range en- hances the usefulness of the device. As an example, only 1.2 V is indicated in the for- ward direction when used with my 7-MHz, 100-W transmitter. This means that to read a 1:1 swr, it is necessarv to detect a reflecitxl voltage of 0.057 V. 1 have found that selected lN34As will reliably meet this requirement. In a typical package often diodes from Radio Shack, over half of them had a back resis- tance of more than 10 Megohm (less than 1 uAat 10 V).
Using these selected diodes in the peak- detection circuit together with a high-im- pedance (10 Megohm) digital voltmeter permits reliable readings down to 0,05 V. The table in Fig. 2 shows input readout characteristics and the correction factors. The required readout sensitivity is a trade* off of how much power is available at a par- ticular frequency and the desired swr- mea- surement accuracy. The usual ham shack VOM- multimeter wilt be adequate for most applications.
Fabrication details are shown in the Fig. 3 layout, and the stripline cross-section draw* ing in Fig, 4. It is best to start by cementing the stripline sandwich and then finish trim- ming the edges to the required width. A file works fine, however — as does a sandpaper block, which will save dulling your file with the glass epoxy material.
The primary stripline width should be held toO.219 inch, ± 0.005 inches, I used calipers to size the striplines, but a ruler would be satisfactory if used with considerable care. Maintaining symmetry through the assembly is important. When mounting the BNC chas- sis connector, use a double nut so that it can be fastened in a position for minimum com- mon-return inductance.
Final alignment is simply pruning the pickup-line termination resistors in the man- ner mentioned earlier (multiple 1/4-W resis- tors). It is best to do this procedure at the highest frequency you intend to use the swr device— 1 used 435 MHz. One thing required is an accurate 50-Ohm termination. I used a fifty -fool section of RG-58/LJ terminated with two 100-Ohm, I /4-W resistors. The 7.5-dB cable loss reduces the estimated worst-case resistor reactance swr from a val- ue of 1.2 to L03
After pruning the lerminations of both pickup striplincs for minimum reflected indi- cation (less than 1 : 1 swr)» the device is ready to measure any swr of less than 10. The calibration results were made by terminating a short s^ection of RG-58/U with various values of 1/4 W resistors,
Inability to null the swr device may be the result of an error in the primary stripline impedance. This could be caused by a differ- ent gla&s-epoxy dielectric constant. Try alter- nate striplines differing in widths of about O.OiO inches.
Spurious responses In the transmitted source can cause a measurement error. As an example, a — 30 dB spurious signal is likely to result in a significant error when making a U swr measurement. Also* reflected signals from a reactive source will result in an error. This error will be particularly evident with large swr values.
Connectors also can be a suspect source of error. For example, I have used RG-59/U connectors {75 Ohm) for RG-8M cable (an RG-8 mini foam), and measurements indicate that they contribute to the swr.
How did my home-brew antennas mea- sure? The 435-MH2, 1 5-elemem antenna swr was 1.2, the 2m 5-element was 1 .4, the 2m J antenna was L4, and the 2Qm flat -top with a tuned antenna coupler ai the transmitter was
1.5. That makes sense, 1 spent more lime matching the UHF antenna.
In summation: You can match antennas adequately without an swr instrument, hut it's a lot easier if you have this simple gadget. Besides. it*s a good way to become acquaint- ed with directional couplers

DIY Field Strength Meter


The Circuit 

The circuit in Figure 1 shows how simple the FSM is to build. RF is coupled to Dl and D2, which are configured as a voltage doubler. The developed voltage is seen across the resistors RI and R2. R2 is the sensitivity control. Simple? You bet. So let's get started.

The most expensive part of the whole project is the meter movement. I got mine from Delia Electronics in Atlanta a few years back. Any value of meter from 50 uA(mu ampere) to 1 mA will work. The diodes Dl and D2 are general purpose germanium point contact diodes, 1 N34As or 1 N60s would be just fine, C 1 and C2 are 50-volt ceramic disc capacitors, I got mine in a grab bag at a hamfest Rl is l A watt and R2 is a 10k ohm pot from my junk box. I used a 2" x 3* x 1 1/2 inch plastic box from whereabouts unknown. The size of the box will be determined by the size of the meter that you use.

I mounted all the components on a small piece of perf board, then mounted the perf- board to the three solder lugs on the potentiometer R2. Next, mount the potentiometer in the hole cut for it in the box. Then connect the binding post to C 1 with a small length of hookup wire and connect the meter to the board. That's about all there is to it. Use your imagination to work out your own component mounting schemes. A word of caution: Don't forget to heat-sink the diodes' leads during soldering. Excessive heat can ruin them.

If you want to go to the extra trouble of making a printed circuit board, go ahead. Personally, I thought it was too much trouble for this particular project.

Testing the Meter

Testing is as simple as building the FSM. Just connect a short piece of stiff wire to the binding post and rotate the sensitivity control as you apply a signal to your antenna. It is a good idea to always start with the control all the way to the left to keep the needle from slamming into the stops, While the FSM only gives an indication of relative field strength, it will allow you to check for front-to-back ratio of beam antennas and to make a comparative analysis of different antennas. Get back into building and have fun

source : 73 Amateur Radio