Op Amp IC 741 Basics, Characteristics, Pins, Applications

The 741 is a highly popular general purpose OP-AMP. It is simple to use , reliable, and inexpensive, it is used in most circuits.

741 PINS

IC 741 Pin Out

Maximum Ratings

Supply Voltage                         +/-18 Volt
Power Dissipation                      500 mW
Differential Input Voltage        +/-30 Volt
Input Voltage (note)                 +/- 15 Volt
Output Short Circuit Time       Indefinite
Operating Temperature            0 Celcius to 70 Celcius Degree

Note : Input Voltage should not exceed supply voltage when supply voltage is less than +/- 15 Volts

741 Applications Circuit

Basic Inverting Amplifier Design 

Basic Inverting Amplifier

Example : if R1 = 1000 Ohms and R2 = 10000 Ohms, then Gain is -(10000/1000) or -10.
This is one of the most common OP-AMP circuits. For A Non-Inverted output use the amplifier on the facing page.

example the application of basic inverting amplifier is Unity-Gain Inverter Circuit :

This circuit use as a buffer or to convert -Vout to +Vout

Non-Inverting Amplifier Design
Non-Inverting Amplifier

Example: If R1 = 1000 Ohms and R2=10000 Ohms, then Gain is 1 + (10000/1000) or 11
Note that Vout is an Amplified but not inverted version of Vin.

Example of Non-Inverting Amplifier application is Unity-Gain Follower circuit.

Use to buffer signal from another circuit

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